Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Dressing Rooms

How is it that whenever I'm in a dressing room, anywhere on the planet, I am next to the size zero girl? Now, obviously, I'm not a size zero & won't ever be....which is fine. However, when you're trying to squeeze into something that looks like it will fit just fine and you hear the scrawny girl in the room next to you yell to the salesperson, "Do you have these jeans in a size 0? The 2 is just falling off of me.", it makes you a little crazy. I am always next to this woman and she always seems to have a stroller with an itty bitty 3 week old baby. I was happy to be a size 6 for about 3 seconds, nevermind a zero. A question to ponder.... How can zero really be a size?

1 comment:

ZoesMom said...

Funny, I thought I was always the one next to that girl. The sales person should bring her a snack. :-)