Tuesday, March 20, 2007

American Idol Review 4

British Invasion night: ugh! Notice not one person chose a Beatles song. I wonder if that was because they didn't want to touch them or if there's some licensing/copyright issue there. Not my favorite theme night, although I thought Lulu in particular gave some great constructive criticism.

So, I'll go in order and mix good and bad this week.

Haley, I thought was weak. She obviously has trouble making those notes staccato like Lulu suggested. She gets an A for effort, though. She definitely tried to do that. She was off in some places & sounded out of breath. Not my favorite.

Chris R. had great control & picked the right song. I liked how he changed up the song a little to be more contemporary, but didn't lose the melody as so many did last week.

Stephanie did OK. I actually like that song, but I'm not convinced it was the perfect song for her. I have been writing in my notes each week that she has a Beyonce quality to her voice...

Blake was great. I really love how he didn't make the same mistake as last week, but put his spin on the "Time of the Season." Perfect song for him. I agree with Paula; that song could be popular today.

LaKisha made a mistake. She should have taken Lulu's advice about the song choice. She did a great job & was very controlled, but I think the other song was perfect for her.

Phil's song, I hated! He did ok, but I don't like that song & Simon is right, Phil doen't have that "edge" to his voice. I believe he called it grit. Chris Daughtry or Bo Bice could have handled that song well.

Jordin is amazing for any age, but it's insane that she's only 17. Great job with a hard song. Simon's comment was kind of dumb, though. If she made him feel like he should jump off a bridge, then she did her job with the song! It was supposed to be gloomy & depressing. It is called, "I Who Have Nothing"!!!

Do I need to say anything about Sanjaya??? He better go this week. What would ever think he could take on "You Really Got Me?" by the Kinks????? Talk about not having any grit! He should have taken the advice of Peter Noone and sing a more "poppy" song! It was awful & the judges were not that critical about him. Maybe they are trying some reverse psychology on middle America???? I can't have him in the top ten. I absolutely don't want to see him on the tour this summer. Although, if he was there, it would be a good time to go and get drinks....

Gina chose a good song for her personality. She was off in places. Will the rest of America get it? I thought she sounded a little like Cher in a few places. I want to see more of her.

Chris S. picked a great song. I think he did a great job & I'm glad he listened to the criticism last week.

Melinda was amazing. She really worked that song, starting so quiet & sweet in the beginning & then working up to the finale. She is just awesome. I agree with the judges on their comments.

We'll see what happens. OK, the little girl, Ashley, in the audience,,,,that's so me! I was like that as a child & still like that as an adult. I get so emotional over music, etc. that it makes me cry. (Many of you already know this!) I can totally understand that little girl's feelings.

Just a side note, Elliott Yamin's album is out today! It's on iTunes also & is really great!

Check back tomorrow night for recap of results show.

1 comment:

Dana Klement said...

I am totally team Melinda! Please let it be Sanjaya's time.... for the love of god, let him be leaving on a jet plane! You should replace Paula!